Discerning Home Owners, Professional Home Builders and Interior Designers choose Divine Flooring for their unique and stylish floors in engineered hardwood, luxury vinyl and laminate. Divine has a unique in-house wood working shop which allows you to customize your flooring project to reflect your personal style and taste. Wooden floor vents, stair risers, barn doors, custom insets are just some of the possibilities that we offer to help you realize your dream space.
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Since the inception of Divine Flooring in 1998, we have always worked hard to make DIVINE synonymous with superior products and superior experiences. Beyond quality and service, we strive to be innovative, flexible and responsive to the market.
From planning and product sourcing to design, customization, delivery, installation and follow-up, Divine Flooring provides best-in-class service to meet the flooring needs of customers at every stage of their journey.
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