Bright Lighting USA

Bright Lighting USA is the exclusive lighting distributor for Bright Special Lighting in the USA. Bright Special Lighting is one of the top rank manufacturers in Europe.
“We understand the passion our customers feel for their spaces and we are dedicated to helping them realize their vision.”

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Product highlights

Our Factory

  • BRIGHT’s factory - 7.500 m2 - meets high-quality management and manufacturing standards for lighting fixtures and accessories.
  • The company operates with an advanced distribution and logistics system. BRIGHT constantly follows changing and rapidly developing lighting requirements, by investing in the process of designing high-performing and efficient prototypes.
  • BRIGHT is certified by the international IQNet organization and the German certification body DQS for the implementation of the Quality Management System (QMS) consisting of assessments and verifications on procedures that assure the quality of manufactured products and distribution.
  • Our Products

  • All our products are designed in-house, utilizing the extensive knowledge we have acquired through the years of our engagement with lighting projects worldwide.
  • Our in-house LIGHTING LAB, equipped with state-of-the-art instruments and apparatuses, has a major part in our pursuit to provide a more efficient, safer, and long-lifetime product.
  • The high efficacy, extended lifetime, user safety, and dedicated requirements, are constant milestones for every product.
  • The conformity of our products with the European and International standards is assured and guaranteed with various quality marks (e.g., CE, ENEC, CB, etc.).
  • In addition, a 100% Total Quality Control System of the assembled product is applied within our production.
  • Contact


    1178 Broadway
    3rd Floor #1149
    New York, New York 10001