RAD Furniture

RAD designs and manufactures furniture that is built to last in Los Angeles, CA. Our customizable line of furniture allows your design to show through, and show up on time. Our pieces are made for years to come, ready for a hotel pool, city cafe, or an office environment that feels like home.
"We’re still making furniture for friends, our friends now include brands like Sweetgreen, Nike, and Whole Foods."

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Product highlights

We Keep Manufacturing Close

  • Support our hard working team of welders and builders
  • Innovate and perfect our designs on site
  • Have the ability to customize products
  • Customizable Products

  • Products made for your design, and designed on time
  • Our customizations are part of the process so your job is an unique as your project
  • We are open to talk about customization beyond what you see in our offerings
  • Attention to the Details

  • Details are what make furniture
  • We have been perfecting our pieces for over a decade, putting our furniture to the test of designers and their customers
  • Colorful

  • You don't have to go with black and white to stay timeless
  • RAD brings color to any space
  • Contact


    2971 Partridge Avenue
    Los Angeles, California 90039
    323.576.2150 extension 705

    For general client support:

    For press inquires: