
Tafisa® is a leading manufacturer of thermally fused laminated particleboards and decorative panels, and is renowned for its avant-garde designs and high-quality products. With a solid reputation for developing trendsetting designs, Tafisa® delivers unmatched quality in particleboard thermally fused laminate and high-pressure laminate decorative panel manufacturing.

Green to the core! Leading the way is second nature at Tafisa® Canada, owner and operator of North America’s largest particleboard manufacturing facility. Since its founding in 1992, the company has quadrupled its production, increased its employee base to 325 from 60 and firmly established itself as an industry leader.

Rather than staying in the traditional forestry sector, Tafisa® decided to invest in green technology to further enhance its capacity to recycle wood materials derived from the industrial, commercial and institutional sectors. This enables recycling 244,000 tons of post-consumer wood fiber annually, saving millions of trees. This approach extends a tree’s useful life cycle. Instead of ending up in a landfill site, post-consumer wood materials are recycled and integrated into the company’s panels.

Tafisa® Canada's panels qualify for LEED credits under the U.S. Green Building Council rating system. For example, TAFIPAN® panels can provide up to five LEED credits, while TAFIPAN®-EVOLO™ panels allow up to six credits.

A total game changer! Tafisa® offers a complete, harmonized line of high-pressure laminate to its thermally fused low-pressure laminate Prélude and Sommet embossed-in-register series. Enjoy one-stop shopping for TFL, HPL and particleboard with matching complementary products (like edge bandings, moldings and more) throughout our distribution network.

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Our Products

At Tafisa®, you’ll find the inspiration and products you need to design truly unique, fashion-forward spaces that stand the test of time. Choose from the Sommet and Prélude lines ― all backed by outstanding quality and service.

Prélude ― imagine, create, combine: If you can imagine it, you can create it with the complete collection of Prélude products, as varied and colorful as they are practical and durable. Choose from a wide variety of textures and colors, and combine them to create a world all your own.

Sommet ― the true touch of wood: With the Sommet® line from Tafisa®, reality is at last a true reflection of nature. Choose from a wide range of products designed to evoke the look, feel and essence of wood to enhance any living or working space. Sommet is the peak of warmth and comfort.

Complementary products: Sourcing and matching TFL panels or HPL sheets to complementary products is key to producing design harmony. At Tafisa®, it’s an integral part of the design and product development process. So, we offer a complete range of durable, high-quality products to meet all your project needs, from dreams to delivery. This includes edge banding, door moldings, five-piece and slab doors, 3D laminates, 3D laminate doors and accessory moldings.


Sandra Wilson

Specifications Representative
Eastern USA
sandra.wilson@tafisa.ca 267.229.5507

Jillian Stock

Specifications Representative
Midwest USA
jillian.stock@tafisa.ca 847.721.6418