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Photography by Matthew Lewman
Material Bank and mindful MATERIALS (mM) joined to provide the architecture and design industry with an integrated, sustainability driven search and sampling experience. All brands that exist in both the mM library and on Material Bank are searchable from both platforms, allowing industry professionals to more easily prioritize sustainability.
In a recent survey, eight out of ten industry professionals indicated that sustainability and material health data are important factors in their product selection. This collaboration enables them to make more informed decisions when sampling.
mindful MATERIALS is a collaboration hub, building a common materials framework and driving better decisions through a curated and connected materials library.
If you’re interested in learning more about mM, please reach out to
You can also find all mM brands on Material Bank’s website.
"HKS is thrilled about the partnership of mindful Materials and Material Bank. It is an effective data driven partnership combining purpose and innovation. We use both tools extensively and the shared platforms will enable us to make better informed material selection decisions faster for our clients, our communities, and the earth."
Rand Ekman
Principal and Chief Sustainability Officer HKS Architects
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